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Some of My Published Works
I take pride in sharing insights, experiences, and knowledge on different personal development topics through my influential writings. A few examples of my works include:
⦁ Navigating the Journey: Using Self-Empowerment Strategies in the Midst of Unexpected Health Challenges
⦁ W.I.S.E. UP: Women Inclusion and Self-Empowerment for Ultimate Performance “Strategies for Blooming in the Midst”
⦁ Experience Leaves Clues: 7 Keys to Self-Empowerment
⦁ Empowering Yourself to Embrace Change: What Does Pink Nails Have to Do With It?
Navigating the Journey: Using Self-Empowerment Strategies in the Midst of Unexpected Health Challenges
Going through the experience of dealing with an unexpected health challenge made me take a deeper look at myself from a very honest, somewhat analytical, and different perspective, and the idea of writing this book took on a life of its own. I found myself asking, “How am I not only surviving, but how am I thriving in the midst of this challenging situation?”
My hope is that this book will give you back some of the control you may feel has been missing since the onset of your health challenge.
As a Self-Empowerment Strategist, I recognized that a health challenge is a perfect opportunity to apply self-empowerment strategies to all aspects of our lives. It is not necessary that I disclose the specific health challenge that came into my life, and I will explain more about that in the book. But I will tell you this, the strategies, information, and techniques I will share with you are relevant no matter what the health challenge. It could be a sudden disease such as heart disease, cancer, kidney disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis (MS) or diabetes. Or maybe complications brought on by an accident. It could be any unexpected health challenge that catches you off guard. The point I want to strongly emphasize is the actual health challenge doesn’t matter. What matters is, you have a significant health situation you are facing that you did not expect.
I am excited for the incredible, strong, self-empowered person you will meet in yourself because of your personal health journey…..that’s if you haven’t met him or her already. Even if you thought you met him or her and knew everything about this person, I can tell you, this individual is full of wonderful surprises.
W.I.S.E. UP: Women Inclusion and Self-Empowerment for Ultimate Performance “Strategies for Blooming in the Midst”
This book has three main audiences that will benefit from the content. The primary target audience is working women. The second target audience that will benefit from reading this book is diversity and inclusion professionals that create and implement inclusion initiatives to attract and retain women and address the challenges and needs of women in their organizations. The third audience is organizational leaders that must create and manage a culture of inclusion.
When you are in the Midst, sometimes it is hard to thrive or see away forward. This book was written to provide strategies to meet women in the middle of the career and personal challenges they may be facing.
Many of us have aspirations of doing something more in our lives and have talents that we don’t share in the world. The fear of changing the way you currently operate in the world or the fear that you won’t succeed if you try can hold you back.
In this book, Dr. Myra explains, pink nail polish represents playing it safe, hesitant to take risk, and fear of stepping out of your comfort zone. The question is, “how is that serving you to be more, do more, have more, and accomplish more in the days you have ahead?
Soon-To-Be-Released Book: TAP IN®: Elevating Women’s Self-Empowerment
I am excited to share that my upcoming book, “TAP IN®: Elevating Women’s Self-Empowerment,” promises to impact my readers’ lives positively. This soon-to-be released book is set to become another significant milestone in my journey as an author.
Book in Progress…..
“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter defeat, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” –Dr. Maya Angelou